Reading Comprehension Questions | Inference and Main Point

You’ve probably noticed much of the LSAT is about presenting simple things in a confusing way. The LSAT is all about hiding what’s staring you right in the face. Reading Comp is no different. If you’ve done more than a few Reading Comp passages, you’ve probably noticed by this point that RC passages tend to […]

LSAT Reading Comp Explanation – Evolutionary Game Theory

Below is a complete explanation for the third Reading Comprehension passage of LSAT PrepTest 52 (September 2007 LSAT) and associated questions. It’s an excerpt from Complete Reading Comprehension Explanations for LSAT PrepTests 52-61. LSAT Reading Comprehension Passage Explanation – Ousmane Sembene Explanations for PrepTest 52, Section 4, Questions 13-19: This is a science passage, but […]

LSAT Reading Comprehension Explanation – Philosophical Anarchism

Below is a complete explanation for the fourth Reading Comprehension passage of LSAT PrepTest 52 (September 2007 LSAT) and associated questions. It’s an excerpt from Complete Reading Comprehension Explanations for LSAT PrepTests 52-61. LSAT Reading Comprehension Passage Explanation – Ousmane Sembene Explanations for PrepTest 52, Section 4, Questions 20-27: Once again, the passage opens with […]

LSAT Reading Comprehension Passage Explanation – Ousmane Sembene

Below is a complete explanation for the first Reading Comprehension passage of LSAT PrepTest 52 (September 2007 LSAT) and associated questions. It’s an excerpt from Complete Reading Comprehension Explanations for LSAT PrepTests 52-61. LSAT Reading Comprehension Passage Explanation – Ousmane Sembene Explanations for PrepTest 52, Section 4, Questions 1-6: The passage opens with a third […]

LSAT Reading Comprehension Tips and Tricks

or…How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the LSAT (Part 3 of 3) Who do you think does better on the day of the LSAT – the person who enjoys reading or the person who hates it? Part 1 of this series covered Logic Games, and Part 2 dealt with Logical Reasoning. This is Part 3. […]

5 Hardest LSAT Reading Comprehension Passages

This list is focused on exams published 2000-2010. These make for great bathroom/beach reading. Enjoy! *** 1. PrepTest 35 (October 2001), Passage 4 – Ronald Dworkin and Legal Positivism vs. Moralism (p234 in Next 10) 2. PrepTest 49 (June 2006), Passage 4 – Maize 3. PrepTest 50 (October 2006), Passage 4 – Riddled Basins of Attraction 4. PrepTest 55 (October 2008), Passage 3 – Maxine Kingston […]

LSAT Reading Comprehension Passages, Categorized

There are 4 Reading Comprehension passages per section. Each section contains one passage from each of the following categories: Natural Science, Social Science, Humanities, and Law.Many prep companies group the 4 RC passages per section into those categories and stop there. I’ve gone a step further and done a more comprehensive categorization of many Reading […]