The Experimental Section and Difficulty of LSAT Questions

“The LSAT is equated so that a test score obtained in the current year is comparable to scores obtained in previous years.” – LSAC (Executive Summary) Test-equating requires pre-testing. After LSAC’s elves write individual LSAT questions, they compile these questions into various 35-minute sections. If you’ve taken the LSAT before, you’ve already completed one of these sections as […]

Should You Diagram LSAT Logical Reasoning?

I interviewed Stephen Harris, former LSAT question-writer who has written hundreds of the questions that appear in your books of LSAT PrepTests. Our discussion follows. *** How important is diagramming for Logical Reasoning questions? Is it advisable?   This is a great question. My take is that, with rare exception (maybe the odd matching structure item) […]

Read Question Stem or Stimulus First?

I interviewed Stephen Harris, former LSAT question-writer who has written hundreds of the questions that appear in your books of LSAT PrepTests. Our discussion follows. *** In Logical Reasoning, do you recommend reading the stimulus first or the question stem first?  Always, always, always read the stem first. To begin with, the stem typically tells […]

Interview with Former LSAT Question-Writer

I interviewed Stephen Harris, former LSAT question-writer and author of Mastering Logic Games. (Yes, he’s written hundreds of the questions that appear in your books of LSAT PrepTests.) In a previous interview, you wrote, “”One thing I have learned from studying thousands of LSAT items is that, first appearances notwithstanding, there is a benevolent intelligence at work […]

Being an LSAT Testmaker | Interview

I interviewed Stephen Harris, former LSAT question-writer and author of Mastering Logic Games. (Yes, he’s written hundreds of the questions that appear in your books of LSAT PrepTests.) Our discussion follows. You mentioned in our other interview that you worked on a freelance basis and that ACT/LSAC only bought the items (questions) they liked. What were you […]

Former LSAT Question-Writer Interview

I interviewed Stephen Harris, former LSAT question-writer and author of Mastering Logic Games. (Yes, he’s written hundreds of the questions that appear in your books of LSAT PrepTests.) Our discussion follows. *** What inspired you to become a writer of LSAT questions (an “item-writer”), and what’s the process by which one gets that job? Good question. It’s […]

Behind the Scenes with a Former LSAT Question-Writer | Free Book

If you’re reading this, you’re probably applying to law school. I know this process isn’t easy, and it can be incredibly frustrating at times. However, each year, many people overcome the hurdles and get into the law schools of their dreams. You ask yourself, how’d they do it? What allows some to break into the […]