Should You Cancel Your LSAT Score?
Hope the LSAT went well for you! If the LSAT might not have gone so well, read the below post, but also check out: Should You Retake the LSAT? LSAT Study Schedules for Retakers (scroll down) How to Study for a Retake One bad reason to cancel your LSAT score is that the LSAT has become such a […]
The Best Answer Choice to Guess on the LSAT
Because there’s no guessing penalty on the LSAT, you should fill in a bubble for every answer. I recently analyzed the LSAT PrepTest Answer Keys from several different angles. This blog post contains my findings. I’ll start off with my most-significant findings, which you will find useful. The rest of the blog post is the […]
LSAT Test-Taker Survey
I asked the following questions to some subscribers and website visitors who recently took the LSAT: What do you know now that you wish you’d known before starting your LSAT prep? What would you have done differently? Here are their responses: – I wish I hadn’t focused exclusively on the LSAT. My one track mind […]