Retaking the LSAT Study Schedule
So, you’re planning to retake the LSAT. It’s incredibly important to figure out what you did wrong the first time around and plan what you’ll do differently this time. Maybe you didn’t have enough time to study for the LSAT. Maybe you just didn’t use it wisely. I recommend a minimum of 3 months. It […]
LSAT Retake Study Schedule / Plan: Intense Version
I originally created the following 3-month LSAT study schedule for a student of mine. This student is preparing for an LSAT retake, has the goal of 170+, and is able to study for the LSAT full-time from now until Test Day. If you’re not preparing for a retake, use one of the other LSAT study […]
How to Study for a Retake
Or What to Do When You Run Out of PrepTests… Someone recently asked me, “What should you do if you have used a lot of your LSAT material already but need to retake?” Here are 7 tips for anyone in this common situation: 1. Redo practice tests. Even if you’ve done every PrepTest […]
Should You Retake The LSAT?
If you took the LSAT and are thinking about canceling your score, or you already got your score and it wasn’t what you wanted. Here are some thoughts on deciding whether to retake. (Also see How to Study for a Retake.) 1. Does your dream law school average multiple LSAT scores? Most law schools don’t average […]