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Free LSAT Logic Games | Linear | Easy Version

Here’s the “easier version” of this Logic Game.

For those of you interested in comparing the hard and easy versions, I’ve listed each variable and its counterpart at the end of this blog post.


Easy version

Jandra is a travel guide writer who will visit 7 countries: Australia, Bahrain, China, Djibouti, England, Fiji, and Guatemala. She must visit each of these countries in accordance with the following restrictions:

Jandra must visit exactly two countries before her visit to China but after her visit to Bahrain.

China cannot be the last country she visits.

Jandra cannot visit Bahrain until she has visited Australia.

She cannot visit England immediately after she visits Djibouti, nor can she visit Djibouti immediately after she visits England.

Fiji must be visited either 4th or 5th.

1. Which one of the following could be the order in which Jandra visits the countries, from first to last?

(A) Australia, England, Bahrain, Guatemala, Fiji, China, Djibouti

(B) Australia, Bahrain, Guatemala, Fiji, China, Djibouti, England

(C) England, Australia, Bahrain, Fiji, China, Djibouti, Guatemala

(D) Australia, Djibouti, Bahrain, Fiji, England, China, Djibouti

(E) Djibouti, Guatemala, Australia, Bahrain, Fiji, England, China


2. If Jandra visits China fifth, each of the following could be true EXCEPT:

(A) The second country she visits is Bahrain.

(B) The third country she visits is Guatemala.

(C) The third country she visits is Djibouti.

(D) The sixth country she visits is England.

(E) The seventh country she visits is Djibouti.

3. If Jandra visits Djibouti second, but she does not visit Fiji fourth, each of the following could be true EXCEPT:

(A) She visits Guatemala immediately before she visits Fiji.

(B) She visits Guatemala immediately after she visits China.

(C) She visits Bahrain immediately before she visits Guatemala.

(D) She visits Fiji immediately before she visits Guatemala.

(E) She visits Fiji immediately after she visits England.


4. If Jandra visits Australia and Bahrain first and second on her trip, respectively, how many different orders are there in which she can visit the seven countries?

(A) one

(B) two

(C) three

(D) four

(E) five


5. If the condition that China cannot be visited last is removed, and Jandra takes advantage of the opportunity to visit China last, but all other conditions remain in effect, which one of the following could now be a complete list of countries, any one of which could be visited third?

(A) Australia, Djibouti, Guatemala

(B) Djibouti, England, Guatemala

(C) Australia, Djibouti, England, Guatemala

(D) Australia, England, Fiji, Guatemala

(E) Australia, Bahrain, England, Guatemala




The text below contains the answers to the above Logic Game.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C


Having trouble with this Logic Game? In my course, I share how I solve games like these.



Easy – Difficult

Australia = Artemis

Bahrain = Apollo

China = Dionysus

Djibouti = Athena

England = Demeter

Fiji = Aphrodite

Guatemala = Are


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